Awards –––––––– 

2024 FWF Principal Investiagor Project, Research Award of the Austrian Science Fund and PI of the research project “Enacting (digital) citizenship from below: A study on care and the uses of digital infrastructure by refugees in Bosnia and Herzegovina”.  

2024 FWF Principal Investiagor Project, Research Award of the Austrian Science Fund and PI of the research project"Ageing and Subjectivity in a Time of ´Multiple Crises´: Narrating crises in later life".

2023 Research Award of the City of Vienna and PI of the research project “Narrating hardship - Making sense of multiple crises".

2022 Fellowship Award of the IFK, International Research Center for Cultural Studies Vienna.

2022 Marie Jahoda Fellowship of the University of Vienna.

2021 Research Award of the City of Vienna and PI of the research project “Life-history narratives of people in very old age and the embeddedness of the Covid-pandemic: a gender-sensitive narrative-ethnographic study.”

2018 Elise Richter Research Award of the Austrian Science Fund and PI of the research project “REFUGEeICT – Multi-local Care and the Use of Information and Communication Technologies Among Refugees.”

2016 Stand-Alone Publication Funding Grant of the Austrian Science Fund.

2014 Hertha Firnberg Research Award of the Austrian Science Fund and PI of the three-year Hertha Firnberg (FWF) research project “Placing Memories: Ageing Labour Migrants in Vienna”.

2011 Research award by the Max Planck Institute of the research project “Older migrants in Vienna:
Aging and social relations”.

2005 Doctoral Fellowship Award of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

2004 Postgraduate Scholarship from the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education and the Sciences.

2003 Scholarship for high achievements from the University of Vienna.

2002 Research scholarship for fieldwork in Bosnia and Herzegovina from the University of Vienna.

2001–02 JOINT-STUDY scholarship (Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.).

2000 Scholarship for high achievements from the University of Vienna.

1998–99 ERASMUS scholarship (University of Copenhagen).